
Oct 2003
Dear Member,
If you have not paid this year’s subscription this Newsletter comes as a goodwill gesture because your membership formally lapsed on 30 June. A slip is enclosed for your attention, please.
The Chairman:
Since his election as SRA’s Chairman, Ian Smith has changed his job from an Education Welfare Officer with the County Council to the Community Safety Officer with Chichester District Council’s Environmental Health Department. He had hoped that this appointment would not create a conflict of interest with his role as SRA Chairman. However, this has not proved to be the case and in August Ian resigned. Vice Chairman, John Herniman, has taken over the reins for the time being but has made it clear that at the AGM next February he will retire from the Committee.
The Committee:
APATHY KILLS !! Once again as another year draws to a close the future membership of the Committee and its Officers must come into focus. For too long the Association has relied on a few “willing horses” to carry on year after year. This is not fair and they should now feel able to hand over to other members. Unless new members to the Committee come forward NOW and commit themselves to an executive role (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, etc) the Association will die very quickly. APATHY KILLS !!
Financial News:
The Portman Building Society has introduced punitive charges to operate our Current Account which does not offer any interest. We have therefore closed this account with them but can still use our Deposit Account which offers a reasonable rate of interest and will cater for our immediate needs unless and until restrictions are placed on that as well. Those most affected by the closure of our Current Account are members who have previously paid by Standing Order. We are in the process of sorting out a current account with another provider which will meet our needs without financial penalty and hope to be able to give details in the next Newsletter which will allow members to decide whether they wish in future to pay by cash, cheque, or Standing Order into the new Account.
(Alan Deller, Treasurer)
Dangerous Junction:
The junction between The Drive, The Avenue and Fordwater Lane has been the scene of three major accidents in as many months, a rate somewhat disproportionate to traffic levels through the junction. Without any adverse weather conditions on each occasion, driver error and restricted visibility when turning into The Drive from both The Avenue and Fordwater Lane have contributed to this dangerous situation. The speed of vehicles travelling along The Drive at the time probably add to the damage and injuries caused. Recent discussions with WSCC Highways and Transportation officers at the junction have highlighted the problems, but cost-effective solutions are very limited. Nothing is likely to happen this financial year, but next year after some re-surfacing in Fordwater Lane the whole junction could be coated with red chippings. It may be possible to secure the removal of the tree at the junction which stands right on the junction of The Drive and The Avenue and/or one other slightly further south from that junction. We have an opportunity to shape road safety in our area and the Association would be failing in its duty to its members and other residents if it failed to take action. With that in mind we have been asked by WSCC to conduct a survey of local views on this issue in order to help them provide us with a properly considered safe solution. Please ensure that the Committee is aware of your thoughts on the matter. (But don’t take matters into your own hands and remove “Sussex Police Speed Camera Area” signs as was done recently in The Drive - Editor)
(Alan Deller)
Brandy Hole Lane (BHL):
Still on traffic matters. WSCC have confirmed that they will not close Brandy Hole Lane in order to make a safer access from it to the Centurion Way. This is despite the recent and very welcome improvements made by them to the path in the Copse which could increase its use by cyclists and pedestrians. In response to recent comments about this by SRA they have said that the likely level of usage would not justify the expense of work on a continuous footway at the eastern end of the Lane or an improved crossing of Broyle Road. There is, however, a possibility that the 30mph speed limit along the Lane will be extended to the western end of BHL once the necessary legal processes have been put in train.
Summersdale ONE STOP Shop:
Things have come to a head recently regarding the unsatisfactory management and appearance of the Shop. The Committee has therefore made strong representations to the District Council, Sussex Police and the Store’s owners about the following matters:
(a) Defective guttering and facia; (b) External air-conditioning equipment installed without planning consent; (c) Graffiti; (d) Under-age purchase and consumption of alcohol; (e) Litter. Through the good offices of our former Chairman the District Council have personally advised the Manager about his responsibilities and Sussex Police have made their presence felt on at least one occasion in the evening recently. The Property Director of owners T & S Stores Limited has also responded saying that an inspection of the store will soon be carried out to assess and agree the repairs that are required. The alleged planning and licensing law defaults will also be investigated immediately. Perhaps things will get better at last...!?
Goodwood Motor Circuit:
A strong perception persists that Chichester District Council appears to
be permitting too many breaches of the noise level constraints without taking firm and immediate enforcement action against the Goodwood Road Racing Company or hirers of the circuit. Constant breaches of noise levels by circuit hirers should be detectable quickly and result automatically in banning. On 19 March this year there were 79 breaches throughout the day by a single hirer of which 9 were in excess of 3 decibels. The Council was unaware of this situation until 25 March, six days later. It has been asked to comment about this and urged to be much more pro-active. A reply to SRA’s letter dated 13 September is still awaited.
South Downs National Park:
We have joined forces with Lavant PC and Funtington PC about the proposed boundary of the Park and its proximity to the City’s northern boundary. Our next meeting with them will be on 28 October. This will be to discuss our evidence to the Public Enquiry about the principle of the Park and its boundary which commences at The Chatsworth Hotel, Worthing on 10 November 2003. It is likely to continue well into next year, probably ending in August with the Inspector reporting to the Secretary of State in May/June 2005. So, don’t hold your breath about the outcome!
Royal Mail:
Despite continuing protests from the Committee and individual members, deliveries in the area have not improved noticeably. Here is a light-hearted comment about letter-boxes from Lenon Beeson:
“Most Summersdale letter boxes are twentieth century but they vary from post-card size to A3. Some are low in the door with a sharp-toothed dog behind. Some are a convenient height but with hinge springs and brushes that crush a slender pamphlet. The polished brass ones are rare, seemly but small. In many ways the narrow vertical ones are the most difficult, restricting access unmercifully. Try posting yourself a letter - and when you replace your front door (when!) think of the postman, or the newsletter deliverer!”
The SRA Committee:
Chairman: Vacant
Vice Chairman & Editor:
John Herniman, 8 Graffham Close
Tel: 527374
Minutes Secretary (1)
Michael Berry, 34 Plainwood Close
Tel: 530208
Minutes Secretary (2)
Peter Bickley, 4 Maplehurst Road
Tel: 780628
Alan Deller, 28 Stanton Drive
Tel: 528404
Membership Secretary:
Mrs Sophie Rudge, “Appletrees”
Chestnut Avenue, Tel: 528632
Planning Secretary & Webmaster:
Craig Rathbone, 17 Croft Mead
Tel: 787580
Jim Ayling, 26 Brandy Hole Lane
Tel: 527632. Owen Evans, 11 Maplehurst Road Tel: 528471.
Derek James, 29 Harberton Crescent
Tel: 531494. Dennis Martin, 9 Hunters Way Tel: 536496. Gerry Wheatley, 16 Maplehurst Road, Tel: 528106. Ian Wilson, 17 Maplehurst Road Tel: 527163
May 2003
Dear Member, It's party time again! Saturday 14 June. New Format:
As an experiment this Newsletter consists mainly of contributions from Committee Members and represents their own views rather than those of the Committee as a whole. I am grateful for their efforts. (Editor)
Walking along Ferndale Road a little while ago, I was dismayed to find a number of daffodils uprooted from nearby gardens and strewn across the highway. Not content with causing damage to flowerbeds, those responsible had acquired a quantity of white paint. As a consequence the flowers had been dipped into the paint and thrown onto the road. It was possible to follow a trail of damage and white paint over the pavement and property in Fordwater Road. The daffodils have gone now but the paint still remains and is likely to be visible for some considerable time to come. Five minutes of fun has resulted in the area being defaced for many years!
My copy of the Concise Oxford Dictionary describes a vandal as“a member of a Germanic people who ravaged Gaul, Spain, North Africa and Rome in circa 4th/5th century and a person who wilfully and maliciously destroys or damages property. We are happily free from“ravaging in Summersdale but the latter definition could be used to describe some individuals who appear to frequent this area.
So what can be done to combat this kind of behaviour? The first and easiest step is to reduce the opportunities and temptations. For example try to ensure that cars are parked off the highway or inside the garage. Make sure that rubbish is not left out overnight and if you are working in the house try to keep building materials out of sight and put rubble and other discarded items into a skip or trailer. Keep a lookout for litter and collect anything that might be used as a weapon or could be a useful tool to cause damage. There are many different ways in which individuals can play a part to reduce the likelihood of damage.
Secondly, be vigilant and report all incidents to the Police. Many incidents of damage in a neighbourhood remain unreported but the Police need to be aware of the whole picture. Police patrols are more focused these days and resources are allocated on the basis of need. If incidents are reported the Police will be able to identify crime “hot spots" which may be linked to a particular day of the week or activity or premises. Wherever possible telephone the Police straight away and try to avoid leaving a report until the next day.
If we are vigilant our efforts will be rewarded in keeping incidents of damage to a minimum. We enjoy a fine quality of life in Summersdale and our collective aim should be to work together and support the community. We should remember that “Roses are red, violets are blue and daffodils are not Dulux white! (Ian Smith, SRA Chairman)
Brandy Hole Lane
There is no official access to the Centurion Way from Summersdale between St Pauls Road and Hunters Race Bridge. For six years the County Council have been unable to negotiate a pedestrian access from Plainwood Close and have finally decided to upgrade the access adjacent to Brandy Hole Lane Bridge. As the lane has no pavements and is subjected to a great deal of fast through traffic, the safety of pedestrians is paramount if use of this access is to be encouraged. A recommendation to close the lane to traffic with a barrier at the bridge was rejected by the Council in favour of closing the link at the western end to St Paul’s Road leaving the lane open in both directions. Hopefully the resulting diversion will discourage traffic from outside the area using the lane as a cut through to the west. It will be a relief to residents in the lane who are most effected and is a small price to pay for this inconvenience to a few motorists. When the lane was closed for six weeks some years ago there was no discernible build-up of traffic at Northgate due to the closure. This inexpensive method of traffic-calming was proposed by the County Council fifteen months ago but there is still no date set for the commencement of the work. Since the authorities consider the lane to be dangerous for pedestrians it seems strange that they have permitted these conditions to continue. (Jim Ayling)
One Stop Litter:
There have been recent complaints about the amount of rubbish spilling from the two bins on to the road outside the One Stop Shop in The Broadway. These bins are not cleared by the District Council because they are owned by the shop and are cleared daily. Unfortunately it appears that locals people are using them to dispose of their own rubbish. This should be discouraged. (Jim Ayling)
Goodwood Motor Circuit and Airfield
It is not generally appreciated that the motor circuit is in operation for 252 days in the year in addition to the annual Festival of Speed and the Revival Meeting. In spite of finite noise limits which were initially agreed, the number of breaches of these limits for the past three years 1999, 2000, and 2001 were recorded as 502, 427, and 467 respectively. Figures for 2002 are not yet available, but from November 2001 to June 2002 there were 365 breaches. We are not impressed by this record and the SRA Committee has registered its concern with the District Council. If you are concerned about motor circuit noise telephone the District Council on 01243 785166 and ask for the Environmental Health Department. Also inform Goodwood on 01243 755000. In recent months there appears to have been an increase in helicopter activity over residential areas. If you are concerned about this ring Goodwood on the above number.
Fireworks: I have been informed of a private display at Goodwill House during the evening of 6 June 2003 (Gerry Wheatley, Airfield and Circuit Liaison Committee)
The SRA Website: The website is going through something of a refurbishment to include the minutes of Committee meetings as well as a Neighbourhood Watch page. The Committee has recently decided to upgrade the site so that it has none of the annoying banners and pop-ups currently showing. This should be taken as an indication of how much the Committee would like to see the web used to communicate to the membership on a day-to-day basis.
The address is sra.1colony.com. Have a look and tell us what you think. Is there anything we could add, anything you dont like? This is your chance to have your say. You can email any thoughts to sra@1colony.com
(Craig Rathbone, Webmaster)
Bluebells in Brandy Hole Copse
It is probably common knowledge that the Copse is now a Local Nature Reserve. In the past well-meaning local residents have planted garden species in the Copse to enhance its biodiversity (?). Because of the Reserve status of the Copse this practice is now illegal. There is already a risk that the native bluebells in the Copse have been ââ“hybridised by the invading Spanish variety sold by garden centres. Such invaders will have to be removed immediately. The same applies to exotic pond plants (from New Zealand and Canada) which are threatening native aquatic plants on Willow Pond. So, unless you have first checked with the Group (tel no below) please do not introduce any flora into the Copse - its biodiversity is assured.
(John Herniman, Chairman BHCCG)
SRA Membership Leaflet:
In order to increase membership in the areas where it is lowest a leaflet about SRA has recently been distributed to all households in Winterbourne Road, Croft Mead, and the southern section of Maplehurst Road. (Editor)
The SRA Committee:
Ian Smith 79 Maplehurst Road
Tel: 771792
Vice Chairman & Editor
John Herniman 8 Graffham Close
Tel: 527374
Minutes Secretary (1)
Michael Berry 34 Plainwood Close
Minutes Secretary (2)
Peter Bickley 4 Maplehurst Rd
Tel: 780628
Alan Deller 28 Stanton Drive
Tel: 528404
Membership Secretary
Mrs Sophie Rudge “Appletrees†Chestnut Avenue
Tel: 528632
Planning Secretary & Webmaster
Craig Rathbone 17 Croft Mead
Tel: 787580
Jim Ayling 26 Brandy Hole Lane
Tel: 527672
Owen Evans 11 Maplehurst Rd
Tel: 528471
Derek James 29 Harberton Cresc.
Tel: 531494
Dennis Martin 9 Hunters Way
Tel: 536496
Gerry Wheatley 16 Maplehurst Rd
Tel: 528106
Ian Wilson 17 Maplehurst Rd
Tel: 527564
Useful Telephone Numbers:
WSCC Reception 777100
WSCC Cllr Phillips 574110
CDC Reception 785166
CDC Street Cleaning 534603
Ch City C Reception 788502
Goodwood Complaints 755000
RMP Barracks 786311
One Stop Shop 527252
Lavant Rd Surgery 527264
Parklands Surgery 786827
Parklands Chemist 782695
Brandy Hole Copse
Conservation Group 527672
Royal Mail
Other Residents Groups in the city have complained to Royal Mail Customer Services about daily deliveries being as late as 2pm. Do we have a similar problem anywhere in Summersdale? If so please inform the Chairman or Editor. (Editor)
Letter Boxes
Most Summersdale letter boxes are twentieth century, but they vary from post-card size to A3. Some are low in the door with a sharp-toothed dog behind. Some are a convenient height but with hinge springs or brushes that crush a slender pamphlet.The polished brass ones are rare, seemly but small.In many ways the narrow vertical ones are the most difficult, restricting access unmercifully. Try posting yourself a letter - and when you do replace your front door (when!) think of the postman, or the newsletter deliverer.
(Lenon Beeson)
Those members who were not able to come to the Annual General Meeting may not know that John Herniman carried out his promise to end his long stint as Chairman. In fact for the last four years he has also been Acting Secretary and Newsletter Editor. We owe him a great debt - he has been vigilant, well-informed and (largely) patient. He is also computer-literate and word literate, and those other organisations that he will“spend more time with are fortunate. It is trite to say “No-one is irreplaceable. What John has achieved, however, is rare indeed. He has replaced himself with a brand new Chairman, Ian Smith. Even more, he has helped to recruit a complete committee, with a lower average age, who have made a good start in tackling our concerns. John remains as Vice Chairman and Newsletter Editor. Thanks John.