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Brandy Hole Lane

After five years the WSCC have finally agreed to move the 30mph sign 90 yards up to the Western end of Brandy Hole Lane. However in spite of the increasing number of visitors to the Local Nature Reserve, the County Council will not recognise the danger there is for pedestrians, children and dogs crossing the road into the Copse from the designated parking area.


Brandy Hole Copse Conservation Group the Summersdale Residents Association and the District Council recommended that the 30mph  speed restriction be moved a further 200 yards up to the junction with St.Pauls Road, to include the parking area,

This has been refused on the grounds that there are no houses in that short part of the lane.  That a 30mph limit there would be detrimental to the speed of vehicles in the main part of the lane and ignoring the recommendation of the Department of Transport that local amenities and vulnerable road users should be taken in to account.

   The County Council has installed direction signs to the parking area at the Western end of the lane and they have a duty of care for the visitors they attract to the site.  Motorists and Pedestrians should take particular care when using Brandy Hole Lane.


James Ayling

Brandy Hole Lane



The Association exists to help others in the Summersdale area of Chichester and our logo statement summarises our aim in the words, "Residents Working Together".

Topics tackled include the South Downs National Park, the Graylingwell Development, Brandy Hole Lane, various traffic concerns, Community Support Officers, and a Vision for Chichester.

Representations are made to appropriate people on matters such as mail delivery, the One Stop Shop area, Graylingwell Cottages, and the Water Company installation in Maplehurst Road

We represent you on a number of local committees such as the Chichester Residents' Association Co-Ordinating Group, the Goodwood Aerodrome Consultative Committee, the Goodwood Motor Circuit Consultative Committee and the Local Transport Forum. In addition we have close contacts with the Chichester Society and the local Neighbourhood Watch groups.

We monitor planning applications proposed for the Summersdale area and lodge objections where appropriate, in addition to keeping an eye on the wider development field in the district.

We support local charities, assist people with any specific difficulties where appropriate, publish a regular Newsletter which is displayed on our noticeboard next to One Stop, and arrange a Summer event for members and friends.

New Members. Over 400 homes are represented on our books and new members are welcome to join our ranks at the very reasonable cost of £2 per year. To join please contact our Membership Secretary, address below.




Derek James, 29 Harberton Crescent, PO19 5NY

Tel: 531494; e-mail:


Minutes Secretary (1):

Michael Berry, 34 Plainwood Close, PO19 5YB

Tel/Fax: 530208; e-mail:


Editor and Minutes Secretary (2):

Peter Bickley, 4 Maplehurst Road, PO19 6QL

Tel:  780628; e-mail:



Alan Deller, 28 Stanton Drive, PO19 5QN

Tel: 528404


Membership Secretary:

Mrs Sophie Rudge, Appletrees, Chestnut Avenue, PO19 5QD

Tel: 528632; e-mail:


Planning Secretary: 

Craig Rathbone, 17 Croft Mead, PO19 6RN

Tel: 787580; Mobile: 07986178876; e-mail:



Jim Ayling, 26 Brandy Hole Lane, PO19 5RY

Tel/Fax: 527672; e-mail:


Owen Evans, 11 Maplehurst Road, PO19 5QL

Tel: 528471; e-mail:


Linda Heald, Chesnut Cottage, The Drive, Chichester PO19 5PP

Tel: 787234; email:


Dennis Martin,  9 Hunters Way, PO19 5RB

Tel: 536496; e-mail:


Gerry Wheatley, 16 Maplehurst Road, PO19 6QL

Tel: 528106


Ian Wilson, 17 Maplehurst Road, PO19 6QL

Tel: 527493

All numbers are 01243

New members are always welcome, please contact the Membership Secretary

COMMITEE MEETINGS Commitee meetings are held at St Micheals Hall on a Thursday evening at 19.30 approximately every six weeks. Members of the S.R.A. are welcome to observe without notice

Next meeting is the Thursday 20 May 2004 AT 7.30PM Agenda avalible on the minutes and agendas page.



Committee and other meetings and events, all at 7.30pm in St Michael Hall:

The next Committee meeting: 24 June,

Other Committee meetings, 9 September, 21 October & 9 December 2004 and 6 January 2005. 

Summer Party: 26 June 2004; 

AGM, 10 February 2005. 


 Let us know what you want.  All paid-up members are entitled to attend and speak at any committee meeting.  Ideas and assistance to help organise events would also be welcome.




Low flying aircraft, Goodwood Aerodrome                      755066

Motor circuit noise - GoodwoodMotorCircuit                   755060

Firework displays - Goodwood House                             755000

Police emergency or crime in progress                         999

Police non-emergency number                             0845 60 70 999

Crimestoppers to provide crime information      0800 555 111

Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator Phil Marten             520347

Tree Warden Meg Owen                                                 527307


This Site

This is my first attempt at building a web page. If you don't like what you see please let me know, however if you do tell others. Are there any ways to improve it? Is there anything you would remove or anything you would put in? All opinions gratefully received. Also if there is anything you would like to post on this site under your own name please e-mail it to me at the address above.
Regards Craig Rathbone

Below are 3 places where you can add messages to the site have a go its easy.


